What is a 'bye week'?
Jan 31

What is a 'bye week'?

January 31, 2023 - 2 years ago

A bye week is simply a week off, a round in your season where your team does not play.

This usually happens due to an odd number of teams registered for the league. Often with a venue we have booking limitations which prevents us playing additional time slots to get all teams a game each night.

A bye week does not come off the total amount of games you play, you will still get the amount of games you registered for!

You shouldn't ever have more than 1 bye week per season, possibly 2 at most, but you can always sub in for another team or even league, as playing in any of our leagues as a sub for free is a member perk we offer!

Byes also allow us to expand the league within our current venue booking which means we are making sport more accessible to our members.

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